Kong vs Tyk

August 20, 2021

Kong vs Tyk

When it comes to choosing a cloud deployment solution for your API management needs, you'll likely come across two popular options: Kong and Tyk.

While both Kong and Tyk offer comprehensive solutions, there are certain differences that can make one solution a better fit for your use case than the other. In this post, we'll provide an unbiased comparison between Kong and Tyk and help you make an informed decision for your business.


Kong is an open-source API gateway that comes with a range of features such as load balancing, authentication, and rate limiting. It also offers a plugin architecture that enables users to customize the functionality of the gateway.

Tyk, on the other hand, is a full-featured API management platform that includes features such as access control, rate limiting, analytics, and developer portal. It also provides an intuitive dashboard for monitoring and managing APIs.


In terms of performance, both Kong and Tyk are capable of handling high volumes of traffic. However, Kong has a slight edge when it comes to latency, as it operates at a lower level than Tyk.

Additionally, Kong provides a plugin called HMAC Auth that can significantly improve overall performance by allowing you to skip certain steps in the authentication process.


Both Kong and Tyk are highly scalable solutions. Kong relies on a clustered architecture that can support multiple instances, while Tyk utilizes a distributed architecture that can be scaled horizontally.

Overall, both solutions can handle significant traffic loads and are suitable for large-scale deployments.

Ease of Use

Kong provides an easy-to-use interface for configuring and managing your gateway. Its plugin architecture enables users to customize the functionality of the gateway without needing to write code.

Tyk, on the other hand, has a steeper learning curve than Kong due to its more comprehensive feature set. However, it provides a user-friendly dashboard that makes it easy to manage APIs and monitor performance.


Kong offers both free and enterprise versions of its API gateway. The enterprise version includes additional features and support.

Tyk's pricing is based on the number of requests per second, with plans ranging from free to enterprise. It also offers a range of add-ons for additional functionality.


Both Kong and Tyk offer comprehensive cloud deployment solutions for API management. While Kong is an open-source API gateway with a plugin architecture and lower latency, Tyk is a full-featured API management platform with a user-friendly dashboard and comprehensive feature set.

Ultimately, the best solution for your business will depend on your specific needs, such as the complexity of your API architecture, the amount of traffic you expect to handle, and your budget.

So, take your time and carefully evaluate your options before making a decision.


  1. Kong vs Tyk: Which One is the Better API Gateway?
  2. Kong Documentation
  3. Tyk Documentation

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